Puzzle : 100 people in a circle with gun puzzle

Puzzle : 100 people in a circle with gun puzzle

100 people standing in a circle in an order 1 to 100. No. 1 has a sword. He kills the next person (i.e. No. 2) and gives the sword to the next (i.e. No. 3). All people do the same until only 1 survives. Which number survives at the last?
There are 100 people starting from 1 to 100.

Solution: 73rd person will survive at last


There are 3 baskets. one of them have apples, one has oranges only and the other has mixture of apples and oranges. The labels on their baskets always lie. (i.e. if the label says oranges, you are sure that it doesn’t have oranges only,it could be a mixture) The task is to pick one basket and pick only one fruit from it and then correctly label all the three baskets.


There are 3 baskets. one of them have apples, one has oranges only and the other has mixture of apples and oranges. The labels on their baskets always lie. (i.e. if the label says oranges, you are sure that it doesn’t have oranges only,it could be a mixture) The task is to pick one
basket and pick only one fruit from it and then correctly label all the three baskets.

Solution :

Take one fruit from box with label mixture. If we see orange, because the basket lies (it cant have a mixture), then it has only oranges. The other 2 are labeled apples and oranges. The one labeled apples, cannot have oranges inside, cos they are allready been identified, and because it lies, it cannot have apples either. So it has a mixture. And we are left with the one labelled oranges that lies and has apples.

The Two Egg Problem – Puzzle

The Two Egg Problem

There’s an interesting mind-teaser/puzzle that floats around the internet in waves. Sometimes it’s described as a Google interview question; sometimes it’s described as a Microsoft interview question. No matter of the origin, it’s a fun little critical thinking puzzle and in this blog posting I’m going to look into it and take it a little further …

Puzzle Definition

You are given two eggs, and access to a 100-storey building. Both eggs are identical. The aim is to find out the highest floor from which an egg will not break when dropped out of a window from that floor. If an egg is dropped and does not break, it is undamaged and can be dropped again. However, once an egg is broken, that’s it for that egg.

If an egg breaks when dropped from floor n, then it would also have broken from any floor above that. If an egg survives a fall, then it will survive any fall shorter than that.

The question is: What strategy should you adopt to minimize the number egg drops it takes to find the solution?. (And what is the worst case for the number of drops it will take?)

There are no tricks, gotchas or other devious ruses. Don’t rat-hole with issues related to terminal velocity, potential energy or wind resistance. This is a math puzzle plain and simple.

Think about the puzzle for a few minutes, and then read on.
